Title: My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories
Authors: Rainbow Rowell, Kelly Link, Matt De La Pena, Jenny Han, Stephanie Perkins, David Levithan, Holly Black, Gayle Forman, Myra McEntire, Kiersten White, Ally Carter, Laini Taylor
Edited by: Stephanie Perkins
Pages: 336 (Hardcover)
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Publication date: October 14th, 2014
Synopsis from My True Love Gave to Me's Goodreads page
If you love holiday stories, holiday movies, made-for-TV-holiday specials, holiday episodes of your favorite sitcoms and, especially, if you love holiday anthologies, you’re going to fall in love with My True Love Gave To Me: Twelve Holiday Stories by twelve bestselling young adult writers, edited by international bestselling author Stephanie Perkins. Whether you enjoy celebrating Christmas or Hanukkah, Winter Solstice or New Year's there's something here for everyone. So curl up by the fireplace and get cozy. You have twelve reasons this season to stay indoors and fall in love.
Since My True Love Gave to Me is a collection of short stories, I decided to review each story individually, because some I loved more than others. Overall though, I loved this book. It was very Christmas-y and wintery, and every single story was so different from the ones before it. I loved how they were all so different, yet they still all had something in common. I gave this book an average of 4.5/5 stars, and I really loved it as a whole.
1. Midnights by Rainbow Rowell
Anything and everything that Rainbow Rowell writes, I always absolutely love, and Midnights did not disappoint. The only thing not completely positive I have to say about it is that I wish it was a complete story, instead of a short one, because I found that so much was happening in such a short period of time. I understand that it is to do with New Years every year, but I still wish that we could have seen what happened to everyone throughout each year, even a little, because I feel like I would have connected to the characters, and felt more towards them, if I had seen a little more into their lives. Overall though, I loved the characters, the witty conversations, and the idea of the story.
Overall - ★★★★★
2. The Lady and the Fox by Kelly Link
I have mixed feelings about this particular short story. I found it to be more of a ghost story than a holiday one, although I understand the idea behind it. Personally, I found that I couldn`t connect to the characters and I found them to be drastically changing throughout the short story. I feel that if it was longer, the character development would make sense, as we would see what they were going through, but in such a short story, I feel like they were becoming completely different people every few paragraphs. Also, I find that our main character falling in love with someone who was essentially a ghost (was he a ghost? it never specifically tells us) to be extremely unrealistic. I personally wouldn`t run outside and kiss someone I saw sneaking around the property if I only saw him once when I was little.
Overall - ★★★.5
3. Angels in the Snow by Matt De La Pena
I really enjoyed Angels in the Snow, because I was able to relate to the characters. Feeling confused about the future, about who you are, what you should do in your life. Taking a chance, and doing something that you feel uncomfortable with is all a part of growing up. I enjoyed the character development, and how we saw so much in such a short story, but it still making sense and not feeling like they were being pushed to develop. I really enjoyed how both characters pushed themselves, and each other, out of their comfort zones, and how chance and Christmas can bring two people together.
Overall - ★★★★
4. Polaris is Where You'll Find Me by Jenny Han
I have mixed feelings about this story as well, but I still really enjoyed it. Throughout the story, I mostly felt sorry for the main character, and I felt that she was a little flat. As the story progressed though, I saw her grow up and become more confident in herself, even if it was just a little. I think that the reason I enjoyed the story so much though, was the ending. I loved how she knew what she wanted, and found a way to get it, and I also loved how the story left on such a climax. Who does she pick?
Overall - ★★★★
5. It's A Yuletide Miracle, Charlie Brown by Stephanie Perkins
I absolutely LOVED this story. I knew I would as soon as I saw that Stephanie Perkins wrote it. Her writing is always so witty and charming, and her characters are so wonderfully written. I would honestly read her grocery list. I loved how the story opened up right at a very important part of the two characters` lives, and how it was the deciding moment of the story. The characters were funny, flirty, and sarcastic, which is how I love all of her characters to be. They were both similar, yet different, and they were adorable together. Her characters always make me smile and giggle, and this story was no different.
Overall - ★★★★★
6. Your Temporary Santa by David Levithan
I was pleasantly surprised by Your Temporary Santa. It was cute, and a very good demonstration of what someone will do for the one that they love. I enjoyed how it was very different, and how, even though the 'temporary Santa' didn't even celebrate Christmas, he really did it to show his boyfriend how much he loved him. I wasn't completely in love with the story as a whole, and I do believe it had its faults, but overall it was very enjoyable, and very sweet.
Overall - ★★★★
7. Krampuslauf by Holly Black
I absolutely loved this short story. It was so different from every other Christmas story not only in this book, but from every story I have read before. I loved how it was such an alternate Christmas, how it was about the Krampus instead of Jolly Saint Nick, and honestly, this was one of my all time favourite short stories that I have ever read. I found the characters to be so unforgettable, and so enjoyable, that they left me on the edge of my seat with what they would do next throughout the whole story.
Overall - ★★★★★
8. What the Hell have You Done, Sophie Roth? by Gayle Forman
At the beginning of this one, I found the main character to be slightly aggravating, but that quickly changed. She seemed to be such a grouch, but as soon as Russell is pulled into the story, she changes completely. I normally don't like when a main character completely changes after a love interest is introduced, but in this case I feel that Sophie became more herself once Russell was brought into the story. I loved their banter, their quick conversations, and how they seemed to be so comfortable with each other from the get-go. This story seemed to be so realistic, and it was so comfortable to read, it was adorable. Both characters were so well written, developed, and so perfect for each other.
Overall - ★★★★★
9. Beer Buckets and Baby Jesus by Myra McEntire
I enjoyed this story, but not as much as I have other ones in this book. I enjoyed the character development, and how the main character changed over the course of the story in order to become a better person, but I found that too much was happening in to little a time. I feel that in order for this story to be a little more enjoyable, it should have been a bit longer. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it, because I really enjoyed the humor and the suddenness of some of the aspects of the story, as well as how it showed that everyone should come together over Christmas, and celebrate together. I really enjoyed the lessons that this story teaches about Christmas, and the holidays.
Overall - ★★★★
10. Welcome to Christmas, CA by Kiersten White
I really enjoyed this short story. I loved the characters, and how they kept you on your toes throughout the entire story. I loved how it wasn't a "typical" young adult romance story, how out main character was more concerned about herself, and getting out of her hometown. I personally love the stories that involve the main character being focussed on one specific thing their whole life, until they come to a large realization, and then everything changes, for the better. That's exactly what happened in this story, and it was wonderful.
Overall - ★★★★.5
11. Star of Bethlehem by Ally Carter
I found this particular short story to be alright. I found that since everything about the main character was a mystery, it was impossible to be able to connect with her, and with everyone else in the story as well. I found the plot to be extremely far-fetched, until the very end of the story. I can understand where the author was coming from once I read the whole story, but because I had no idea who anyone was, or what their backstories were, it made it difficult for me to enjoy it.
Overall - ★★★.5
12. The Girl Who Woke the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
This story was probably my favourite short story of the whole book. I absolutely LOVE Laini Taylor's writing; it flows so beautifully and is so beautiful. You can tell how talented she is, and how much time she puts into her work. This story was so fascinating, and I loved every second of it. It was the only story in the whole book that took place in a different world and time period, and the beauty of the descriptions was so apparent in a whole other world being created in such a short story. This was amazing, and I would really love to see this short story become a full length book, so that we can see so much more of the people, and how everything that happened in this story came to be.
Overall - ★★★★★
My True Love Gave to Me overall: ★★★★.5
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