Tuesday, March 1, 2016

February 2016 Wrap Up

I read four books this month, which isn't too bad for me! I didn't get the chance to read my classic for this month though, so that means I'll need to read two next month to make up for it.

I read:
  • ★★★★☆     Never Always Sometimes by Adi Alsaid
  • ★★★★★     Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler
  • ★★★★★     Legend by Marie Lu (Legend #1)
  • ★★★★.5☆  Champion by Marie Lu (Legend #2)

The first book I read this month was Never Always Sometimes by Adi Alsaid. I read his first book, Let's Get Lost, back in August and I absolutely loved it, so I decided to pick this one up and give it a go! Although I enjoyed Let's Get Lost more than Never Always Sometimes, I still absolutely LOVED this book. It has so many great characters and although they can be extremely frustrating at times, I found that they all had really good reasons for being the people they ended up being throughout and at the end of the book.

I then read Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler, and I was so pleasantly surprised by this book. I was expecting more of an angry telling, or a book that was more depressing then anything else, but it was so much more than that. Yes, the book was depressing at times, which it should be (it's about a high school breakup, of course it's a sob story), but I also found it to be light-hearted, flirty, and funny. There was just enough goofing off, happiness, and friendship in this book that it almost (ALMOST) balanced out the amount of  times that I cried while reading this book. Being through a high school breakup myself, it's easy to see where every character is coming from, and how everyone thinks as each choice is made, and as each action is taken in the story. I loved it!

I then read Legend by Marie Lu, and I have nothing but high praise for this book. I picked it up on a whim one weekend, and I finished it in two sittings. I flew through it; it has just enough funny parts and shocking parts, that every single page you read makes you want another chapter. The whole thing was written so wonderfully, and everything that happened in it was important. Not only that, but every single detail, every single character, had a purpose to the story. There was no extra part that I feel could have been left out, and I don't feel like more could have been added. It was the perfect amount of detail, of characters, of action, for it to feel like a realistic dystopian (which are hard to come by these days). The story was also so different, and so refreshing, that it was wonderful to see how different a dystopian book could be compared to all of the other dystopian books that are currently out. I have fallen out of the dystopian genre over the last couple of years, but I am so glad to have finally found a book that has made me want to get back into it.

I then quickly read Prodigy by Marie Lu, (the second book in the Legend trilogy) and I loved it, but not quite as much as I loved Legend. I really wanted more Day and June, but I understand why we didn't get as much. I also found them to be a tiinnyyy bit annoying at times, and overreact about some things as well as underreact about others. I did enjoy the book though, and I feel like it was a necessary book to have in between the other two, and I am looking forward to reading Champion!

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