Monday, January 1, 2018

2018 Resolutions

Hey everyone! Where did 2017 even go?? I can't believe how fast it went, but here's to new year and even more books! I figured I'd share with you all some of my 2018 bookish resolutions, so here we go!


1. Buy less books
I've been saying for a long time now that I need to take a break buying books, and just read the ones that I own and haven't read. Well, 2018 is the year for that. I've gone through my shelves and I'm *slightly* overwhelmed by the sheer number of books that I own and haven't read, so I'm really hoping to help deal with (or start deal with) that overwhelming number this year.

2. Read at least 60 books
This past year in 2017, I read a total of 57 books out of my goal of 52. I wanted to read a lot more than that, but considering I'm a full time university student 8 months of the year, as well as having a part time job year round, I'm happy with that number. However, I'm hoping to read a bit more this year, in 2018.

3. Finish all of the series that I've started and put down
I normally am really good about finishing a series as soon as I start it. I'll read every book in the series one after another, but when I either don't get my hands on the book for awhile, or the book doesn't come out for awhile, I end up putting the series down and not finishing it for a long time, which makes it hard for me to read because I can either re-read the entire series, or I can just read the newer book, and struggle with some of the things that I've forgotten. This year, I want to finish every series that I've started that is completely out, and get caught up with all of the ones that have new books out. This includes:

  1. The Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson
  2. The Kiss of Deception Trilogy by Mary E. Pearson
  3. A Darker Shade of Magic Trilogy by Victoria Schwab
  4. Cinder Series by Marissa Meyer
As well as quite a few others.

4. Read more diversely
In 2017 I started reading some new things that I've never read, as well as never been a fan of before. I've started reading a lot of graphic novels (per one of my friends' requests), as well as poetry and some non-fiction. I'm hoping to continue this into 2018, and find some new things as well.

Here's to a great reading year for everyone!

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